Etiquette Analysis
A Look at Experts’ Advice
As an avid fan of early editions of classic etiquette books, I’ve decided to skim the page of my favorites and offer an opinion on the experts’ opinions. As I mentioned in my introductory post, I am not an etiquette expert, simply an etiquette enthusiast and these analyses are just examples of what I would do in each situation. It’s Colettiquette.
To begin…
Etiquette of Illness and Invitations
“Therefore, although there is a fixed rule which makes it very discourteous to break a dinner engagement, this rule is cancelled when there is any danger of scattering infectious germs...Far more considerate to stay quarantined in one’s room alone unless nose and mouth are both covered with a protecting mask of gauze. Feeling utterly miserable themselves, they would try to keep others from feeling likewise - you’d think!” - Emily Post (1945), Etiquette, 452.
Volker Hermes via
No section of the 1945 edition of Emily Post’s Etiquette has aged better than the above segment, especially in light of the last year we have all had. I wholeheartedly agree with Mrs. Post - if you are sick, do your best not to get others sick. Cancel all your plans, regardless of how short notice it is. The impact of your illness could be far reaching, beyond just the group of people you intend to see. Be thoughtful, which at the core of all etiquette is what it’s really all about.
And wear a mask.