Etiquette Analysis: On Conversation IV
I have found I am most drawn to etiquette relating to conversation. Clearly, as this is the fourth conversation based Emily Post quote I have discussed.
“A first rule for behavior in company is ‘Try to do and say only that which will be agreeable to others.’”Emily Post (1945). Etiquette, 41.
I think this is an outdated idea. I don’t believe one should limit what one says or does because it’s not agreeable to one’s company. I do believe in tact - as noted here: On Conversation II. But tact is different. Being tactful likely means one can express one’s opinion that might be disagreeable to someone without offending. One can still be tactful and have a difference of opinion.
Differences of opinions and good manners can and should exist together. Say what’s on your mind, just say it politely.